Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Seniors: Today we worked on the Diamante poem. We discussed how Hamlet has changed emotionally. We discussed how things might have been for him before his mother ran off with his uncle, his days at Wittenberg, for instance. We concluded that those were most likely better times for the despondent prince

The question then emerged: How can we represent this emotional development via poetry?

We discussed the Diamante type and went over how to construct it. Below you will find everything you need to complete this assignment (and more).

Remember: The finished product MUST include three vocabulary terms and of course be about Prince Hamlet. 

As you know, the Diamante poem is relativity straightforward:
Simplified Example:

For a great website to help guide you to successful completion:

Have a great day:)

Freshmen and Sophomores: This is your guide to the Regents Critical Lens Essay.

There are due NO LATER than next Wednesday

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