Tuesday, September 13, 2011


AIM 9.13.11: DO you think Zeus was an admirable god? 

A: SAT vocabulary activity.
B: Go over homework.
C: Dual argument assignment: Write one short piece concering what you find admirable about the god--and why. Then write another discussing what you find detestable--and why.
D: Homework: See below reading/questions.

 Creation of Man by Prometheus

Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tartarus because they had not fought with their fellow Titans during the war with the Olympians. They were given the task of creating man. Prometheus shaped man out of mud, and Athena breathed life into his clay figure.
Prometheus had assigned Epimetheus the task of giving the creatures of the earththeir  various qualities, such as swiftness, cunning, strength, fur, wings. Unfortunately, by the time he got to man Epimetheus had given all the good qualities out and there were none left for man. So Prometheus decided to make man stand upright as the gods did and to give them fire.

Prometheus loved man more then the Olympians, who had banished most of his family to Tartarus. So when Zeus decreed that man must present a portion of each animal they scarified to the gods Prometheus decided to trick Zeus. He created two piles, one with the bones wrapped in juicy fat, the other with the good meat hidden in the hide. He then bade Zeus to pick. Zeus picked the bones. Since he had given his word Zeus had to accept that as his share for future sacrifices. In his anger over the trick he took fire away from man. However, Prometheus lit a torch from the sun and brought it back again to man. Zeus was enraged that man again had fire. He decided to inflict a terrible punishment on both man and Prometheus. 

To punish man, Zeus had Hephaestus create a mortal of stunning beauty. The gods gave the mortal many gifts of wealth. He then had Hermes give the mortal a deceptive heart and a lying tongue. This creation was Pandora, the first women. A final gift was a jar which Pandora was forbidden to open. Thus, completed Zeus sent Pandora down to Epimetheus who was staying amongst the men.Prometheus had warned Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus but, Pandora's beauty was too great and he allowed her to stay. Eventually, Pandora's curiosity about the jar she was forbidden to open became to great. She opened the jar and out flew all manor of evils, sorrows, plagues, and misfortunes. However, the bottom of the jar held one good thing - hope.

Zeus was angry at Prometheus for three things: being tricked on sacrifices, stealing fire for man, and for refusing to tell Zeus which of Zeus's children would dethrone him. Zeus had his servants, Force and Violence, seize Prometheus, take him to the Caucasus Mountains, and chain him to a rock with unbreakable adamanite chains. Here he was tormented day and night by a giant eagle tearing at his liver. Zeus gave Prometheus two ways out of this torment. He could tell Zeus who the mother of the child that would dethrone him was. Or meet two conditions: First, that an immortal must volunteer to die for Prometheus. Second, that a mortal must kill the eagle and unchain him. Eventually, Chiron the Centaur agreed to die for him and Heracles killed the eagle and unbound him.

STANDARD: RL.9-10.1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
AIM: How did Zeus deal with Prometheus and mankind?
Please make sure that all of your answers include a quote from the text as well and (if possible) any vocabulary word you feel comfortable using.
Please explain why “Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tartarus”, and whether or not Zeus made the correct decision. Also, put yourself in the position of Zeus: How would you have dealt with the titans?
How did Prometheus make up for the fact that “all the good qualities [had been given] out and there were none left for man”? Also, explain what other qualities you think he should have given man.
Why did Zeus punish mankind and what was the punishment? Also, please explain what you think about this punishment: Do you think it was really a punishment?
Why did Zeus punish Prometheus? Do you think it was right to punish the titan? How would you have dealt with Prometheus? Would you have punished him too?—If so, how? or would you have rewarded him?—If so, how?

HOMEWORK: Read and answer questions below.

Zeus: brief bio

 Zeus was the king of gods and humans. He was the sixth child of Kronos and Rhea. He managed to dethrone his father and become the ruler of the world. His symbol and his weapon was the thunderbolt. Hephaestus was making them for him. He sat on a golden throne in the palace on mount Olympus. From there, he ruled the world. He was fair but tough. 

   His face had an unusual beauty. Every one of the gods respected Zeus. Next to him was the throne of his wife Hera. Zeus loved and respected his wife but was also famous for his affairs with other women.

   Zeus had many battles when he was trying to take Kronos' throne. He fought his father and the titans. He also fought with Typhoeus (Τυφωνέας) a monster, son of earth, that had 100 dragon heads. But who could go against Zeus' power and his thunderbolts? 

   The ancient Greeks adored him. They believed in his fairness. Many temples and statues were built for him. One of the most renown was the statue of Olympian Zeus in ancient Olympia (Ολυμπία). 

The Rape of Europa
The Cretan moon goddess who was adopted into Greek myth as a virgin Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus in the form of a bull, raped by him, and subsequently abandoned. Europa was the daughter of the King Agenor of Sidon. She had the continent of Europe named for her. Somewhat miraculouslyHera was distracted during her affair with Zeus and never punished her for it.

One night Europa had a dream. In this dream two continents, which were in the forms of women were arguing over Europa. Asia maintained that since Europa had been born in Asia she belonged to it. The other continent, which was nameless, said that her birth was not important, that Zeus would give her to it.

It was early morning, disturbed by the dream Europa did not go back to sleep. She summoned her companions, who were all daughters of nobility and of her age. It was a beautiful day and they went off gathering flowers by the sea. Zeus noticed this charming group, particularly Europa, who was the prettiest of the maidens. Some say that Eros, induced him into action with one of his darts. Although, Zeus often made due with self motivation. In any case, Zeus appeared to the group as a white bull. A white bull more beautiful then any other. A bull that smelled of flowers, and lowed musically. A bull so obviously gentle that all the maidens rushed to stroke and pet it.

The bull laid down in front of Europa. She slid on to its back. Instantly, the bull charged off, plunging into the sea, and began to swim rapidly from the shore. Europa saw that a procession had joined them, Nereids riding dolphins, Triton blowing his horn, even Poseidon. From this she realized that the bull must be a god. She pleaded with him to pity her. Zeus spoke to her and explained his love. He took her to Create, where he had been raised. He promised that she would bear him many famous sons.
Her sons included Minos and Rhadamanthus.


How would you characterize Zeus?
Based on this reading, do you still think he was fair? 

Record your response in your notebook and be ready to share your response in class tomorrow.

This response should be no less than five sentences and include no less than one vocabulary 

Today's Rubric

check minus: less than five sentences OR less than one word.

check: five sentences and one vocabulary term.

check plus: more than five sentences AND more than one vocabulary term.

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